Module quadtree

A Quadtree implementation


Bounds* = concept b
    b.y is int
    b.x is int
    b.width is int
    b.height is int
The position and dimensions of a bounding box
Square* = tuple[y, x, size: int]
A square on a grid
QuadableBare* = concept q
    q.y is int
    q.x is int
    q.width is int
    q.height is int
    `==`(q, q) is bool
An element that can be stored in a quadtree
QuadableContains* = concept q
    contains(Square, q) is bool
    q.y is int
    q.x is int
    q.width is int
    q.height is int
    `==`(q, q) is bool
An element that can be stored in a quadtree
QuadableBounds* = concept q
    boundingBox(q) is Bounds
    `==`(q, q) is bool
An element that can be stored in a quadtree
QuadableFull* = concept q
    boundingBox(q) is Bounds
    contains(Square, q) is bool
    `==`(q, q) is bool
An element that can be stored in a quadtree
Quadable* = QuadableBare | QuadableBounds | QuadableContains | QuadableFull
An element that can be stored in a quadtree. It can take multiple forms, depending on the level of control desired


proc newQuadtree*[E: Quadable](maxInQuadrant: int = 2): Quadtree[E]
Creates a new quadtree
proc `$`*[E: Quadable](tree: Quadtree[E]): string
Convert a Quadtree to a string
proc bounds*[E: Quadable](tree: Quadtree[E]): Option[Square]
Returns the overall bounding box for a tree. This will be 'none' if this tree doesn't have any content
proc insert*[E: Quadable](tree: var Quadtree[E]; elem: E)
Adds a new element to a quadtree
proc fetch*[E: Quadable](tree: Quadtree[E]; x, y: int): seq[E]
Returns the elements at the given coordinate
proc delete*[E: Quadable](tree: var Quadtree[E]; elem: E)
Removes the given element from this quadtree